
We are so excited to bring you the upcoming virtual events with our cooperating partners.

We are pleased to offer this collaboration between Afloat and MenoCare to celebrate International Women´s Day and improve the health of international women in Germany.

Did you know that the average age at which women have their first baby in Europe is 30? Did you know that symptoms relating to hormone changes associated with menopause can start 10 years before you have your last period (called menopause), which is normally at around 50 years old?

Colette White, OB-GYB and founder of MenoCare, wants to encourage you to stop thinking of menopause as something that affects older women and start thinking of how the changes could be affecting you and your physical and mental health, now.

It might surprise you to learn that there are more than 40 symptoms that can occur as we near the end of our reproductive life. Hot flashes and heavy periods are typical but anxiety, lack of confidence, low mood, low sex drive and frequent urinary tract infections to name a few can all be attributed to hormone imbalance and can be improved by treatment.

Knowing all of this is one thing but what is really important is knowing what to do about it. Colette joins Afloat for this event to offer tools to advocate for yourself and face this time with confidence.  As a doctor with specialist training in the management of menopause with the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists in London, she is passionate about educating younger women as to why they need to think now about their future health.  

Join Colette and Afloat at 18:30 on March 8th via Zoom for this event. There will be the opportunity to ask questions and share experiences, although personalised medical advice cannot be given.

As international women, living in Germany we are at risk of falling between the cracks and missing out on important health information. We will all benefit from hearing each other’s stories and supporting each other.

See you on March 8th!